6 Effects of Lack of Sleep on Health, Improve Your Sleep Pattern!

Getting enough sleep every night is very important for a healthy body. Sleep is useful for restoring the body after activities all day. According to the National Sleep Foundation , a healthy adult needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. 

Sleep deprivation occurs when the body's need for sleep is not met. Usually, the body will feel tired when lack of sleep. Actually, what are the effects of lack of sleep on the body? Come on, keep reading this article to understand better!

1. Affects the brain

During sleep, nerve cells are connected to each other, helping you to remember new information that you have learned. Quoting WebMD , when you don't get enough sleep, your brain gets tired, making it difficult to remember what you've learned throughout the day.

In addition, the brain also plays a role in the ability to think and learn. Lack of sleep can cause cognitive abilities to decline, for example, difficulty concentrating.

2. Affects mental state

lack of sleep also has an impact on emotional conditions. A person who lacks sleep can become impatient or experience mood swings . If sleep deprivation continues longer, it can cause hallucinations, such as hearing voices or seeing things that aren't really there.

Adding information from WebMD , the most common sleep disorders such as insomnia are closely related to depression . In a study conducted on 10,000 people, those who experienced insomnia were five times more likely to experience depression than those who did not experience insomnia.

3. Affect the body's immune system

Sleep makes the body 's immune system produce immune cells such as antibodies and cytokines to the maximum. These various immune cells are used to fight foreign substances that enter the body, such as viruses and bacteria.

Lack of sleep can prevent the body's immune system from working optimally. This means that the body becomes weaker when it fights bacteria or viruses and also slows down the healing process.

4. Affects the endocrine system

Hormone production is also influenced by the adequacy of sleep. Reported by Verywell Health , lack of sleep can change the release of hormones produced by the endocrine glands.

For example, the pituitary gland is responsible for producing growth hormone. Exercise and adequate sleep help increase the production of growth hormone that children need in their growing period. If the need for sleep is not met, it can have an effect on stunted growth.

5. Affects the cardiovascular system

Adequate sleep also affects the health of the heart and blood vessels, explains Healthline . Those who do not get enough sleep are more at risk of developing cardiovascular disease .

There is also one analysis linking insomnia with an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. Some of the risks of chronic disease related to the cardiovascular system include hypertension, heart disease, irregular heartbeat, and others.

6. Affects the digestive system

Adequate sleep also affects the digestive system. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute , sleep affects two hormones that affect the hunger hormone, ghrelin and the satiety hormone, leptin .

If the need for sleep is not fulfilled, then the production of leptin decreases while the production of grelin increases. As a result, appetite increases. This condition causes a person to eat more at night so that over time it can increase weight .

Adequate sleep is very important for health. This is because adequate sleep affects various organs of the body. Lack of sleep can affect the brain, mental, immune system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. Therefore, try to get enough sleep every day, OK!

















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