Moonfall Movie, The Story of Friendship Behind the Threat of the Moon Falling to Earth

The film Moonfall adds a collection of science fiction lines that is a pity to miss. Tells the threat of the moon that is ready to fall to earth. Present as a player; Halle Berry , Patrick Wilson, John Bradley, Michael Peña to Donald Sutherland. Meanwhile, Roland Emmerich was in the director's chair. For information, the filmmaker is the figure behind the success of the Godzilla film, The Day After Tomorrow until 2012. Not yet known how much profit from the film that poured funds 146 million US dollars. Because Moonfall was just released in the United States Before watching Moonfall, consider a little synopsis of the film that recorded the most expensive independent production costs Moonfall Synopsis Moonfall is ready to present a cinematography that spoils the eyes of the audience. The space setting will be the opening film for the Lionsgate distribution. Brian Harper and two other astronauts were working on a satellite mission on the moon in 2011. But an attack came and killed his co-worker. The death was passed on to Harper. So since then he decided to stop being an astronaut. 11 years later, a man named KC Houseman believed that the moon was an artificial megastructure. He even found the satellite's orbit close to the earth. If that happens, it is predicted that the earth will be destroyed. For that Houseman rushed to contact NASA to prevent destruction. Shortly after this discovery NASA also discovered the fact of changes in the moon's orbit. This change initiated a disaster on earth with rising seas and cracked land. On the other hand, Brian Harper, who retired as an astronaut, was asked by one of his friends to go to the moon again. So can Harper save the earth? Watch the full story in Indonesian cinemas. Don't forget to prepare tissues, because there is a surprise at the end.

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